

What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?

Finding half a worm.

This is literally how I began the morning. Eleanora is predominantly given my milk, however, because of feeding difficulties we supplement her 'milkitarian' diet with formula. My vegetarian lifestyle simply does not offer her enough calories to sustain her between meals and because Eleanora does not grow like most healthy babies her belly continues to be tiny (she's still less than 6 lbs and more than two months old). Essentially, she needs more calories in a very small belly as she's becoming more active.

As I began to prepare her feeding tube this morning I noted something black floating in the bottle. What could it be? A worm!!! Seriously. Well, I'm not completely sure. I don't have a microscope handy. Take a look for yourself. It's awfully symmetrical...in the light it appears to have innards...looks like it has a clear head and tail. Nonetheless it's disgusting and shouldn't be in infant formula.

I called the company (I'll refrain from naming them here to avoid a deformation lawsuit) and they dutifully read me their safety protocols. Who cares about safety? Clearly their protocols aren't working. But! They'd like to send me complementary formula. Seriously.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...really? A worm? Ew. I get on here from time to time to see how you guys are doing. I think about you every day. You all are troopers.

    We love you!
