
Double Trouble

In case I had forgotten, the last two weeks have been a great reminder that I am still the parent of two other rambunctious children. First I'd like to ask you: what would you do with 1000 individual sequins?
a. Make a prom dress
b. Decorate your shoes
c. Throw it all around your parents house so that every room (and everything) sparkles.

The answer is...c. The girls loved their decorating idea and giggled endlessly about the mess. Humph. So. I took the pixies upstairs and asked them to begin picking up every single sequin. After 35 minutes of crying and pure frustration I brought them freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and milk. They agreed that decorating the house with sequin wasn't much fun, especially picking it up. Problem resolved--or so I thought. Three days later they did it all over again.

The next day Charlotte came down with a summer flu. It lasted 7 days. She was miserable. I was miserable. I spent my days running between her and Eleanora, comforting whomever was crying at the moment. I washed my hands so much they started to bleed. Eleanora is immune compromised and simply cannot get sick.

Immediately after Charlotte felt better, Addie dutifully came down with the flu as well. Round two. Addie was only sick for a few days (it's amazing what growing up in rural Africa can do for immune system).

We're all recovering now. Luckily Eleanora never got sick. She is, however, having more and more challenges with daily life.

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