

Eleanora survived today. It was a miracle. She was dying in my arms and some how, some way she pulled through. The uncertainty lasted for hours. Her color has returned, she's interactive, and sharing her opinions with us as I write. I've decided to not post a photo of her today (it's not how I want people to think of her or how I want her to be remembered, rather I'm posting a photo of her with her blue eyes open--something I have not done to date).

Eleanora is such an impressive little girl and has accomplished so much already. I don't understand how life works or why she's continued to live, but I'm thankful. She's an inspiration and I hope someday I'll better understand why I was given this gift.


  1. Our beautiful, blue-eyed splendid little treasure! All the love and prayers of dozens of family, friends and angels are working. Braveheart Mom, Ababa and the girls live each day for you, little one. We are truly blessed and could not love you more! Love, --Nana

  2. Eleanora Claire, a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl. We'll continue to pray for you, as well as your Mom, Dad, Charlotte and Addie. May God keep you all in his arms and guide you. Remembr, Miracles do happen and you have proven that. You have a very special Angel watching over you, Nana Fricke, -- she is my Angel in heaven. Love, Great Nana Bowie

  3. I believe in, have seen, and have experienced miraculous healing from the Lord Jesus personally. I am forwarding Eleanora's situation on too my fellow believers and ministers of llke minded faith, to pray for her. In the natural Eleanora has no long life expectancy. Starting now more prayer will be lifted up to change the Doctor's report.

    Jesus said "All things are possible to them that believe"

    Rev. David H. Penny (Karen's cousin/ Gloria and Harold's son)

  4. She looks like Dot when she was a baby. I know Dot is waitting with open arms to take here home when she is ready. Joy you and Greg have been chosen for this child you are very special people and I'm proud to be your Aunt.

    Love you all

    Aunt Dee Dee Dee
